Bad credit doesn’t automatically equal financing irresponsibility. Often a medical emergency forced you out of work and into debt. Sometimes, unexpected life changes or countless other circumstances have left you with seemingly impossible credit decisions to make. Blossom Rental and Leasing Inc. knows that assessing someone’s ability to repay a loan means looking at more than just a credit score or credit report. Don’t be afraid to be honest about the real reasons you find yourself with imperfect credit. An increase in bad credit situations has led Blossom Rental and Leasing Inc. to specialize in helping people rebuild their finances by providing dependable transportation at a reasonable value. You can improve your credit while driving one of our vehicles.
The best thing about a poor credit score is that it can be temporary. It’s something you can change over time. It may be where you are today, but it doesn’t have to be where you are in the future. You may think your low credit score is going to shock us, but we are not surprised by financial hardships. We actually specialize in helping get cars for people with imperfect credit. We’ve already seen every type of situation and are actually looking for the good on your credit report, not the bad. We focus on finding reasons to help you get a car, not reasons to deny you.
Blossom Rental and Leasing Q & A (cont)
Good News for you about your Bad, Poor or Slow Credit